Haidakhandi Universal Ashram

Maha Lakshmi Temple

The Ashram Welcomes You

The Temple is open from 7:00am to 7:00pm. The Maha Lakshmi Shop is open from 10:00am to 4:00pm. A phone call or email ahead of your visit is helpful but not mandatory (719-256-4108 or info@babajiashram.org). If you're not feeling well or have symptoms, please refrain from visiting the Ashram.

You may also want to visit our YouTube channel to see our fire ceremonies, chantings, satsangs, discourses, etc. at our YouTube Channel Playlists.

Water System Fundraiser

The Ashram is doing a GoFundMe for the costs of repairing it’s 32-year-old gravity-feed water system. Since the Ashram is off-the-grid, we are so grateful that we have this very amazing water system from the beautiful Spanish Creek that flows through the property. It has served the Ashram and the thousands of visitors that come here very well for over 32 years with delicious mountain water.

Here is the Link and please share it with your friends and keep us in your prayers. You are all a big part of the success of Babaji’s and the Divine Mother’s home. https://gofund.me/c6c527fa



The word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind,” and was designed to help practitioners access a higher power and their true natures.
Mantras are the instruments of the mind.

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Babaji Teachings

Babaji taught people to chant the ancient mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, which may be translated as I take refuge in God. A mantra is a Sanskrit phrase which invokes the Divine by a name. There are thousands of names of God and thousands of mantras.

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Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is the path of action, connecting every action in your life to God, and God can be felt through and with your actions. We all do action in some form and why not do it with God. Karma Yoga is selfless service, work performed in harmony with all Creation

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Sada Shiva

Į Shrî Sadâshiva Charitâmrita Į

Į by Vishnu Datta Mishra (Shastriji) Į

Sada Shiva


Į Haidakhandeshwari Sapta Sati Į

Į by Vishnu Datta Mishra (Shastriji) Į


Check our live-stream of aaratis, fire ceremonies, satsangs, kirtans and other events.
