Ashram Newsletter - December 2023

December 5, 2023  |  by Ramloti

Dear Friends,

I am currently in India. I am so grateful to be in My Lord’s Divine home (Haidakhan) and in a few days, participate in His Festivities (Paduka Puja at Vandana and Arvind Lal’s home in New Delhi). (I will share about the trip in our next newsletter.) I was extremely busy right up to my departure from the Ashram sending out all the winnings from our Holiday Auction, which was very successful – thank you. This made the packing and traveling an even more tedious and tiring job since I carry two cases of Babaji books for the ashram here in Haidakhan, (“I am Harmony” and “From Age to Age”), several Divine Mother calendars, and the sleeping bag, towels, and sheets I use in Haidakhan. I barely had room for my own clothes. I am always so appreciative that one thing that does not have to fit into an already too-full suitcase is my mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” which I utilize thousands of times more than anything else I bring with me. It lives in my heart when I am quiet, or at least that is when I hear it more clearly. I am deeply grateful to Shri Babaji for gifting me this greatest of all gifts in this lifetime.

As I was recently rereading “Haidakhandi Baba, My Years with the Himalayan Master” by Vijay Gupta, I found Babaji’s response to a question put forth by Shastriji very revealing about the importance of mantra and its repetition. Shastriji asked Babaji (who in in those days barely spoke), “Maharaj, why don’t you give sermons?’ Babaji said with a smile, ‘Shastriji, we could give a sermon, but first tell us who will follow it? They will only say that this is what has been written in the Ramayana, this is what Swami Vivekananda has said, and Lord Krishna has said this as well. They will just say that we have heard all of this before. This is why we make you all do the jaap (chanting). We want to empower you through chanting, so that if we say something in the future, you will follow it.’ The Lord’s words silenced Shastriji.

I had never quite thought of the power of the mantra in this light; that it actually clears the mind so that we can understand His Divine words. There are so many intricacies to the study and understanding of the vibratory effects of sound on our chakras, and although it makes sense to me and I accept it, I never took the time to study it. I just follow Shri Babaji’s words to chant morning and evening (aarati) and do karma yoga (service) with japa (repetition of the name of God) the rest of the time. Reading the above words of Babaji to Shastriji helps me understand the wisdom of Baba’s teachings to repeat the name of God constantly.

Two of my trips to be with Babaji were during monsoon season and we spent many extra hours in the temple chanting with Him due to the rain outside. A swing was set up for Him in the kirtan hall and the rhythm of His swinging, the harmony of our voices chanting, and the sound of the rain outside were mesmerizing. I was often taken out of time and place and felt we had all been here many times before. Babaji once asked me, “You old?”, as I fumbled for an answer as I was 32 years-old at the time, He changed His question to a statement and said, “You old, you very, very old”. So, my feelings were confirmed, I had done this many times before.

As I think about the Divine words I mentioned above, they are the many ways that the Great Lord speaks to us: through the wind, the sound of water rushing in the creek, the crackling of the fire, rain nourishing the earth, words coming at us from people, noises of city; there are so many ways to hear God.

There are several speeches of Babaji where He refers to “Om Namah Shivaya”. He said it was more powerful than the atomic bomb, that by repeating it you could defy death, that if we are repeating it at the time of death we will not be bound by rebirth.

"Chant OM NAMAH SHIVAY and you can defy death. Have no thought about your life and death. No evil influence will ever come near you if you pray with purity of heart and mind and with all faith and concentration." Sri Babaji 1979

“This world is transitory the Name of God is the true reality. Everything in this world is destructible, transient, unlasting. So you must all repeat God's Name and sing kirtan and bhajans with devotion and concentration. Without this, how can you attain Enlightenment and make progress?”

1 DECEMBER 1982 Question: “When there is a nuclear war and a bomb lands, say in Bombay, all people, including the devotees, will die. What do you mean by "saving them through the mantra?"

Shree Babaji answers:
“The fear of death is born with man, though this is the only thing he knows is certain to happen to him. Attachment to material things make man cling to life. When you chant the Name of the Divine, when you are one with the Divine, you accept death. While you are attached to life and afraid of death, you die with that fear and that weight clinging to you. If you have attained liberation you are free from death (you accept the inevitable). You die without fear and by remembering the Name of God, your soul leaves the body free of that fear and attachment. If you are reborn, your soul is still free from that fear. If you die in "unity", you are free from rebirth, unless you will it.”

When I find myself coming up short on my mantra and long on thoughts and concerns, I often listen to a simple video we made around our daily havan kund of “Om Namah Shivaya”, after the morning fire ceremony. Here is the YouTube link:

I asked my friend in India for some more thoughts about this mantra. Here is some of what was shared with me that added deeply to my understanding.

(About) His (Lord Shiva’s) most sacred mantra, the 5-syllabled 'namah shivaya.' …. 'Om' is the obligatory beginning of all Vedic utterances. These five sacred syllables are a summary of every possible benediction in every possible element and state of being--na, earth; ma, water; shi, fire; va, air; and ya, space. The panchabhootas (elements) constitute the primal essence of all being. These syllables also denote the five faces of Lord Sadashiva, and the great Vedic commentator Sayana points out. They are connected to the five duties or acts of Lord Shiva--creation, preservation, destruction, the grace of concealment, and the grace of revelation. The names of these faces are: Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha and Ishana. The terms for the corresponding actions are sṛṣṭi (creation), sthithi (preservation), saṃhāra (destruction), tirobhāva (concealing grace), and anugraha (revealing grace). The Panchakshari (5 syllable mantra) in this sense is the Lord Shiva Himself in person and is not just His representation. The great 6th century Tamil work, Tirumantiram, describes the letter Na as His feet, the letter Ma as His navel, the letter Shi as His shoulders, the letter Va as His mouth, and the letter Ya as His radiant cranial center. Whether in concealed form or revealed form, His grace is always close at hand for all beings and non-beings. We should, as the sweet Lord (of Haidakhan), the Mahaprabhu says, chant this mantra delighting in its pure and unalloyed nectar. His mantra-swaroopa should always rest on our lips. But all these esoteric inflections of this unique mantra are contained in the Tirumantiram statement that the Shiva to whom this mantra can be described as paying homage is not different from love. Love alone is Shiva, it proclaims, and when human beings realize that love and Shiva are the same, they themselves become Shiva. 'Om Namah Shivaya' is the aim, the destination, and the means by which to reach that supreme destination that we already are when we experience and express love.

What love the Lord has for us to take on a human form and live amongst us not only the fourteen years of His most recent manifestation, but each moment in our hearts. Shri Muniraji has said that Babaji has already taken on a physical form but could stay in the Himalayas meditating for humankind for a very long time. It is our prayers, like Mahendra Maharaj’s prayers, that can call Him back to His assan in Haidakhan.

In truth and love,
Ramloti for the Ashram

Remembering Man Singh

One of my first memories of meeting Man Singh in 1981 was when he brought a dead snake in and put it on my children’s sleeping bag to get their attention and play with them. He seemed to love children and carried a very childlike spirit at times. He was also a man of mystery to me in many ways but always in service to Shri Babaji, both while Baba was in physical form and the many years after. He took care of Babaji’s room after Baba left his body and would daily do an early morning paduka puja there and apply chandan to the devotees. Even though he was very old, he did this until the last year or two of his life. I miss seeing him in Haidakhan and his sometimes gruff and sometimes playful ways. He was a devoted soul, always serving the great Lord of Haidakhan right up to the end.

Here is the obituary written by the Chairman of the Samaj, Dr. Arvind Lal:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
With a heavy heart, I have to share with you the passing away of our elder brother Manda or Man Singh. With his death, a whole generation of Haidakhandi family's continuous thread, which was carrying our heritage from the past to the present, has merged with almighty time. All the old devotees & many new ones will have so many experiences and stories to share about him. Man Singh ji was a pillar of our Samaj. His memory will always keep him alive in our hearts. Sisters and Brothers, please join me in praying to Babaji to bless Manda and grant him a special place in His abode.
(Honorary) Brig Dr Arvind Lal

Upcoming Events

December 12 - New Moon Fire Ceremony, 11am MT

New Moon Fire Ceremony and chanting followed by a meal.
(This will not be live-streamed as I will be flying home from India at the time)

December 26 - Full Moon Fire Ceremony, 11am MT

Full Moon Fire Ceremony and chanting followed by a meal.
Live-streamed at Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page and posted on YouTube at the Ramloti Wood Channel later in the day.

Looking toward Florida in January

We will be having fire ceremonies on both sides of Florida. Here is the tentative schedule:

January 14 and 15 – 11am - Makar Sankrant Celebration with Aarati, Paduka Puja, Fire Ceremony and potluck beginning at 11am. For the daring, there will be a dip in the Gulf in the afternoon. Treasure Island, FL. Call Sharda at 727-303-5522 for more details. January 19 – 11am - Paduka Puja and Fire Ceremony and chanting in Tequesta, FL. Call Elaine at 561-398-2711 for more details.

January 20 – 11am - Paduka Puja, Fire Ceremony and chanting in Del Rey Beach, FL. Call Sarena at 561-715-7967 or Maya at 561-832-0224 for more details. January 21 - 11am - Paduka Puja, Fire Ceremony and chanting in Jupiter, FL. Call Sari at 561-371- 2004 for more details.

Daily Events

We continue to do Aarati each morning at 7am and evening at 6pm. You are welcome to attend. We also continue our daily fire ceremony, which is generally live-streamed at Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page, except when I am traveling. You are still welcome to attend at any time, just call the Ashram first at 719-256-4108 as the timing varies depending on the day and the weather.

Recent Events

Diwali, the Festival of Lights

The weather was beautiful for a Diwali fire ceremony, lighting of candle ceremony, chanting, and lunch. We were happy to host a group from Verde Valley High School in Sedona, Arizona, whom have been coming for many years. Several others showed up to share in the special light of the festival and Mother and Baba where resplendent as always.

Ashram Online Fundraiser Auction

Thank you to everyone who helped make the auction such a success. We raised almost $11,000, quite a bit over our goal of $10,001! To those who helped photograph the items, put up the items, bid on many wonderful gifts, and pack and send everything, the Ashram is deeply grateful.

Some Letters from Recent Visitors

Our time at the ashram was inspiring. I left with a feeling of love and a clear direction for my spiritual practice. It is hard to express in words the loving presence of Ramloti; the kindness and love of a long time devotee of Babaji. I aspire to radiate this love.

We were warmly welcomed to a fire ceremony, and again the next day. The ceremonies were moving; and brought tears to my eyes. I offered my prayers, my struggles, and my gratitude to the fire. I felt I was somewhere between India and Native America; a magical mix. After the ceremonies, we were offered chai and oatmeal, and conversation with loving people.

The ashram practices Karma (selfless service), and Japa (repetition of a mantra) Yoga. What a simple, and powerful practice that I have put into practice as soon as I left the ashram. To have God in mind all day long, and to be loving in all actions and interactions - feels like living in Love. And what a relief that this simplicity is all that is required. This is the way I want to be.

I am in love with this place and the people there. I cannot wait to return. In the meantime, I will live in loving Service to all, and repeat Om Namah Shivaya to keep my thoughts on the Divine from morning to night.

Autumn Clark – Maine My heart is full.” That is the foremost thought in my mind as I make my way home from Babaji’s Ashram. After more than a week at the ashram, I had settled into the persistent but beautiful routine, and I can’t help but feel a bit anxious about the transition back to “regular” life. I can’t wait to see my daughter, but I do have the feeling of being not quite ready to jump back into the fray of my life and fight the battle on the plains of my own Kuru.

But then I think of what Babaji taught; Giving loving service for all beings and summoning the courage of a lion to do all that is necessary in life, and to do it with an open heart and love for God and all His creatures. Baba’s presence is so strong at the Ashram that I felt that His message penetrated deep inside my heart and I know it will sustain me for a long time! My stay here has been a true blessing, and I am so grateful to Babaji for the opportunity to feel His grace and a renewal of faith in his promise to always be in our hearts. In His own words, “Everything depends on faith.”

Kanad Chakrabarty, Texas

Karma Yoga

Even in the winter, karma yoga goes on. We are grateful to all who come and help. 101 acres of an off-grid Ashram is a lot to run, you are all a big help. Thank you.


We continue to have many, many visitors. One person tells another and the numbers keep growing even in the winter. Each person brings a blessing of love to the Ashram. Thank you to all.

Ways to Support the Ashram

First and foremost is to pray, pray, pray for all the disturbances amongst people and life all over the earth. This is a time of great challenge, and Babaji spoke over and over again about the power of prayer, the mantra, havan, puja, and seeing all as children of one Divine Mother Earth.

You may also support financially by going to …

Amazon Wishlist

A few of our visitors noticed that we need different items to keep running this beautiful home of Mother and Babaji in the Rockies. They suggested that we setup a public Amazon Wishlist. This will allow people to buy items for the Ashram using their own Amazon accounts. We appreciate this suggestion, and we have setup our public wishlist. The details are below. Items will be added/removed from time to time, so please check periodically to see if there are any items that you would like to purchase. It is also useful to click on Remember after going to the wishlist. This will add our wishlist to Your Friends list and you can check it periodically, without having to find the link every time. Thank you so much for supporting the Ashram.

Please support the Ashram by going to our public Amazon Shopping List and see if there are any items you would like to buy for the Ashram.

  • Start by going to
  • Click on Remember to add it to Your Friends list
  • Add an item you would like to purchase from the HUA Public Shopping List to your Shopping Cart
  • During checkout, please make sure to select Haidakhandi Universal Ashram's Gift Registry Address as the shipping address

Calendar of Events

Dec 12, Jan 11, Feb 9 New Moon Fire Ceremony
Dec 26, Jan 25, Feb 24 Full Moon Fire Ceremony
Jan 14 Makar Sankranti

Please go to our Calendar of Events page for all events.

Maha Lakshmi Shop

Here are a couple of great books for you or loved ones:

"I am You" a book of Babaji's Teachings and Paintings by Malti $27
An exquisite 145-page hard bound book of Shri Babaji's teachings arranged according to subject. It also has many color images of His paintings with explanations. The forward and introductions are inspiring and informative.

Encounters with Babaji, Master of the Himalayas by Renate Caddy $19
Renate Caddy, wife of Peter Caddy first met Babaji in 1978. This poignant and deep 255-page book is a wonderful introduction to Babaji's teachings and a great book to read when you want to be totally inspired.

Bhole Baba Ki Jai! Jai Ma!