Ashram Newsletter - April, 2021

April 8, 2021  |  by Ramloti

Dear Friends,

In this time of continued uncertainty, I am so grateful to have Shri Babaji and the Divine Mother in my life to hold onto, better yet, to feel they are holding on and embracing me. On Monday, we move into Spring Navratri, nine days to honor and thank our Divine Mother for Her unfailing love, support, and guidance. It will run from April 12 – 20 and you can read more about the virtual schedule below.

This story of Shri Babaji’s all-pervasive love has been in my heart lately and it seems like a good time to share it.

You have heard me tell about my first trip to India in February 1981. I was in such a hurry to get to Babaji, that I did not write a letter asking for permission to come, or bring sufficient money ($100 is what I had!). So I arrived when He was traveling and met Him in Wape, Gujarat. After many experiences, I was beginning to feel a little bit more settled. Then, I found out that Baba was travelling the next day to Vrindabam for the celebration of Prakatya Utsav, the night Shri Babaji entered into His murti in Kathgodam. This was an overnight train ride and I was told that if I did not have a reservation already, I would only get a crowded car that was very uncomfortable.

By this time I had experienced Shri Babaji’s love deeply and so I took the courage to go up and ask Him if I could go with Him to Vrindabam. When He said yes, I told Him I did not have a ticket nor even any money left at that point to buy one. The look He gave me of His care and love in that moment is engraved in my heart forever. He just smiled at me and said, He would take care of me and so I trusted.

Next morning, I showed up at the train station with bag packed, not knowing what to expect. As the train came to the station, He motioned to me to go with Gaura Devi and Janki Rani to their compartment. I was elated to see a lovely little room and to be traveling with these two long-time devotees was almost overwhelming, but there was more. It turns out our compartment was right next to Babaji’s and so we could go and sit in His room from time to time. But then, the next stop, the great saint Anandamayi Ma got on the train with her entourage and settled in the compartment on the other side of ours! After a while, Gaura Devi asked me if I wanted to go with her and Janki to have Ma’s darshan. Although I knew nothing about her, I eagerly said yes. We sat for some time in the quiet splendor of her presence and I knew that she was a great saint and that this was one more unique blessing from Babaji. Later I found out about her and that she died the next year at 86 years old. What a boon to meet her on what I call, “the Train of Saints”, all orchestrated by Shri Babaji and His Divine Love.

In truth and love,


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Upcoming Events

NOTE: The Zoom event link is the same for all the Zoom events and is provided below.

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 848 2040 6020
Passcode: 474473
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,84820406020#,,,,*474473# (US)

Saturday, April 10 – 9am MDT
(5pm Central Europe, 4pm London, 8:30pm India)
Zoom Satsang with the Dutch Ashram in Loenen, Holland

This is one of the pearls of Babaji Ashrams around the world. It is about an hour outside of Amsterdam in a beautiful wooded, pristine area. Once again, listen as many devotees share their experiences and inspiration to build this wonderful place for devotees to gather from all around Europe.

Please use the Zoom Link provided above.

Sunday, April 11 - 11am MDT
New Moon Fire Ceremony, Pitru Puja, and Chanting

Live-streamed at:
Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page

Monday, April 12 – Tuesday, April 20
Spring Navratri

You are all invited to a virtual Spring Navratri, Divine Mother Festival from Monday, April 12 through Tuesday, April 20. We will be live-streaming the daily Divine Mother Puja at 9am MDT and the Sacred Fire Ceremony at 11am MDT, followed by Chanting and a Discourse on the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam at:
Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page If you follow the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page and activate the notifications you will be reminded each time. You can also watch later in the day as a video on YouTube at the Ramloti Wood Channel.

To sponsor a Devi Puja or Fire Ceremony, please go to our Donate Page and select an option from 'Sponsor Devi Puja or Fire Ceremony for Navratri'.

If you would like to follow the chants after the Fire Ceremony, you can download the Haidakhan Bhajans pdf.

Saturday, April 17 - 12 Noon MDT
(8pm Central Europe, 7pm London, 11:30pm India)
Zoom Satsang open for all to share their experiences of
Shri Babaji and the Divine Mother

Please use the Zoom Link provided above.

Sunday, April 25 - 2pm MDT
Honor Children and Families

As is the tradition at Navratri, we will honor our children and families with small gifts, chai, and muffins. Since we are still closed to visitors, we will set up at the bottom of our driveway. We so look forward to seeing you all. Please wear masks and observe social distancing.

On-Going Events

Daily 20 Minute Silent Meditations and Discourses on the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, which are available on YouTube at the Ramloti Wood Channel and posted on the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page. (There will be no meditation video for Navratri and the daily discourse will be live-streamed after the chanting.)

Live-Stream Evening Aarati one night each weekend and Small Daily fire Ceremonies a few days a week (except during Navratri). These are announced and live-streamed on Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page and posted on YouTube at the Ramloti Wood Channel by the next day.

Karma Yoga at the Ashram

We have been very busy at the Ashram preparing for Spring Navrati, the Divine Mother Festival. Every wall has been scrubbed in the temple, pujari room, and entry hall. Every photo has been rehung, clean and shiny in its new freshly washed chuni and mala. Baba’s kutir is thoroughly cleaned and ready for some new carpets. The white walls in the temple and kirtan hall become very gray from incense and the smoke from the aarati lamp and deep (oil lamp). It has been a few years since we scrubbed them this thoroughly, so it was a big job! Meanwhile making several new saris for Mother and washing all of the chunis and malas has been a big project too. We are happy to say that we are almost ready for Navratri!

Recent Events

Jonathan and Premanand Celebrate Quiet Birthdays

On March 22, Jonathan turned 67! On March 24, Premanand turned 62! A special meal, birthday cake, ice cream, and little gifts were given to Jonathan, and Premanand moved into his much-awaited hermitage on his birthday!

At the Bottom of the Driveway!

As we are still closed to visitors, we continue to meet folks at the bottom of the driveway. Some are planned, like our chai, muffin, and gift gathering last weekend. Others are more spontaneous. We even brought chandan down to some of the families.

Prayers Please

Our loyal Ashram supporter and dear friend, Peggy Thompson, passed away peacefully in her home last Saturday from a rare brain cancer. She was surrounded by her family and watching a Babaji video. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

We just received news that the former Chairman of the Indian Samaj, Alok Banergee, has been hospitalized in Allahabad India for the corona virus. He has been to the Ashram here in Crestone a number of times and is a gentle and kind man. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

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Calendar of Events

Apr 11, May 11, Jun 10 New Moon Fire Ceremony
Apr 26, May 26, Jun 24 Full Moon Fire Ceremony
Apr 12 - 20 Spring Navratri

Please go to our Calendar of Events page for all events.

Satsangs on Zoom

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 848 2040 6020
Passcode: 474473
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,84820406020#,,,,*474473# (US)

Saturday, April 10 – 9am MDT Dutch Ashram in Loenen, Holland
Saturday, April 17 - 12pm MDT Open for all to share their experiences of Shri Babaji and the Divine Mother

Gratitude and Maha Lakshmi Shop

Once again, thank you to all who have been donating to the Ashram and purchasing from the Maha Lakshmi Shop. Both are a big help in keeping everything going at the Ashram. We are happy to announce that we reached our GoFundMe Goal to buy the new batteries needed for the dormitory. They have been ordered. Thank you to all who donated. Please know that we always remember you in the Temple at Baba’s and Mother’s feet and at our Fire Ceremonies.

We continue to have folks reach out to us about sending a donation to keep the Ashram going during this time. Perhaps the easiest place to get information about donations and to make one is at the Ashram Donate Page. And to see our Maha Lakshmi Shop catalogue of devotional items and to purchase on line, go to Maha Lakshmi Online Shop. Call or email us anytime with questions, feedback, or requests at or 719-256-4108. We love to hear from you.

Bhole Baba Ki Jai! Jai Ma!

A Letter of Gratitude from the Ashram Board of Directors

Prayers - Thanks - Happy Navaratri

“I extend my blessings to every devotee of the Lord, wherever he or she may be. Those physically distant from here should not think they are far away—they are equally close to Me. Though they may be thousands of miles away, they can still reach me by practicing devotion.”
— Babaji, July 17, 1983

Dear Babaji Community,

As we all continue to feel the effects of living with CoVid 19, the Board Members of the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram, offer our prayers and comfort, sharing grief and hope with you, our beloved community.

We lament limiting our mission of hospitality through this time, not seeing and touching you personally, in gatherings, ceremony and worship. We are monitoring closely as CoVid conditions change. For now, the Ashram remains closed until further notice, out of respect for all, and care for safety and health.

While missing you in person, our Zoom and video offerings have continued to expand over the last months. The community has grown as we come together in online Fire Ceremonies, Aartis, Satsangs, readings, and study groups. Thank you for connecting and joining in virtually, holding Babaji and Mother in our hearts. Please be with us for Spring Navartri - the biannual, nine-day celebration of the Divine Mother, which will be available on live-stream on the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram Facebook Page, and to watch after as a video on YouTube at the Ramloti Wood Channel.

We continue our daily rhythm of praying, ceremonies and maintaining the Ashram temple, land and buildings. So many have been generous with your prayers, words of support and financial gifts that sustain the Ashram through this ongoing time of closure. Our deepest gratitude for your love and support for the Ashram; we want you to know what a blessing you are!

In truth, simplicity, and love,

The Ashram Board of Directors
Ramloti Wood, Jonathan Yates, Linda Joseph, Ajay Pradhan, Sastry Jayanty, Catrina M., Vesper Gers, William Howell, Noah Baen, Mindy Vanderford; and Samaj Liaisons Monty Smith (Lok Nath), Jai Shankar