Babaji often spoke in public, talking about karma yoga - yoga of action, working selflessly for the Divine. He says that we live in an era of action, of revolution and destruction (Kali Yuga), a time of great trial for the whole of civilization. It is no longer possible to remain aloof, abstain and be passive, because now we have to take part in the Great Revolution (Maha Kranti) and global change. He expressed certainty that it is not only a spiritual but also a political global revolution.
He says that the great spiritual revolution will be preceded by numerous wars and Natural Disasters occurring around the world, and we need to be strong. He offers a comprehensive yoga, emphasizing that even yogis and yoginis become spiritual warriors and fight for the Truth.
The New Age Coming, a new spiritual era, however, the transition from old to new will not be without conflict and destruction, and we must prepare for it.
Babaji talked about the importance of hard work and proper performance of one's duty so often that Karma Yoga should be considered the central element of his teachings. Babaji used to say that: "Work is worship" and that hard work is the best spiritual practice. On another occasion he said: "If you are engaged in doing good deeds and go on doing good acts, you will have good sleep, good appetite and bad thoughts will not cross your mind. Otherwise, you will always be criticizing others. In inaction, your minds will always be engaged in thinking critically of others. Karma – activity – is the only thing which can drive out all evils". Babaji also taught that "perfection in work" was the real meaning of Kriya Yoga.
"To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man's supreme duty and the highest Yoga. Diligent work is a quality of this Path, for laziness is death on earth. Only by work can one claim victory over karma. All must strive to do their duty in the best way possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty. During these times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and not lose heart. Be brave, be industrious: work hard and have courage."
Karma Yoga is work devoted to the highest divinity and is performed selflessly and with love. To work according to the highest of spiritual goals without expecting anything in return leads to a great freedom in relationship to the material world and develops love and humility towards life and other people.
Karma Yoga should be performed in conjunction with Nama Japa. Nama Japa, the repetition of God's Name, is a fundamental part of Haidakhan Babaji's teachings. He explained that God's name is the most powerful sound of the Creation – "more powerful than a thousand atomic and hydrogen bombs." – and that this is the only real thing. Haidakhan Babaji especially recommended the use of the mantra "Oṃ Namah Shivaya" – because of its protective qualities, but also stated that one can use any God's name "his religion teaches."